A Better Way Farm
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Click here to see 2025 kidding schedule for reservations!

PLEASE READ everything I have written below. I have updated my sales procedures!!!!

$200 deposit per doe to hold until agreed upon pickup

I will not sell does alone. Sorry, but the does just do so much better going into their new herd & home when they are not alone. My priority and responsibility is first to the well being of my does and I want the best possible homes for them but I also feel that I am doing the best for my customers with this "policy". There have just been too many exceptions I've made in the past and it did not go as well (at all) as the new owner (or I) thought it would and my does have suffered needlessly. I really don't want to do that to any of my does... or my customers! Stressful for all involved!  :)

Also, long transports are stressful for adults (especially in milk), which adds even more to the equation. Don't skimp on transport. Thats not the place to save money. If you're using a transporter, be sure you have SOLID references and have a CLEAR agreement for the longest you should expect it to take for the does to get from here to you. Most transporters don't milk, or if they do, don't milk well, so its really best if you get/do direct transport (yourself or hire a private transporter that won't be making other stops and going off route). My does are not used to even being stalled. They are used to roaming large acreage daily. Being stuck in a tiny spot on a transport for days is very stressful on top of being ripped away from their herd/family and only home they've ever known. They usually WON'T eat on transport, so its real important to get them from A to B within a few days max, so if you are using a transporter, get a firm commitment as to time line.

Please make sure you can arrange transport for the agreed upon timeline prior to sending a deposit. If transport (or self pickup) can not be worked out within the agreed upon timeline, or you can't make the purchase work for any other reason, deposits are NON REFUNDABLE. So please make sure you can work everything out before placing deposits. :)

Click here for full reservation/sales policy

Adult Does Available

None available at this time, please check out our 2025 kidding schedule for reservation opportunities! Will also have many does for sale after freshening early 2025, mostly this year's kids that will be upcoming first fresheners. :) I expect them all to be VERY nice, but I retained 15 and will only be keeping 4-5 after they freshen so there will be some super nice choices available. :)